Monday, August 11, 2014

Become DolyGames Patron!

Hey guys :) I know you love all the hundreds and hundreds of videos and blog posts I have created and I thank you tons for following me and subscribing to me and sharing my creations to the world.

Now I have created a Patreon account / page - - through which you guys can support me / DolyGames to have more monthly income so that I can continue smiling, building a nice team and with DolyGames Team creating great content for you guys to enjoy! :-)

You can give as little as $1 monthly - it all helps and adds up!
"Support the stuff you love to live on and grow and never be sorry for the stuff you love to die or disappear!"
So check it out and I thank you in advance!! :)

Extra info - What is Patreon and Frequent Questions?

Patreon lets fans support their favorite creators by becoming patrons.

Who can be a Patron?

Anyone with an email address or a Facebook account, a credit/debit card or a PayPal account, and a heart of gold. It takes just seconds to sign up.

Sounds great. How do I start pledging?

Signing up as a patron is quick and easy with either an email address or Facebook account. To begin pledging, all you need to do is find your favorite creators and become a patron by filling in your financial account information. We currently use Stripe and Paypal to handle our incoming payments.

Can I make my patronage private?

Yes. Visit the privacy section under your account settings to toggle profile visibility.

What does it cost to use Patreon?

Patreon is free to use. You decide how much or little you'll pledge to the creators you love!
Full Patreon FAQ can be found here

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