
Monday, April 13, 2015

Auction House on Test Servers

(Posted by Krishna - Dolygames Contributor)

Hey guys, in the test servers, I clicked on the Mystery Shop Points to buy some items from my "Profile" but when I did, something we all thought would never be in Western Wartune Servers showed up, the Auction House.

Auction House FAQ:

Buy Item Section:

As you can see, the Auction House looks a bit nonfunctional but many players in test servers are indeed using it. Maybe this a just a bug that got in by the new patch or maybe it will be removed and added again soon. I am just assuming this because the text in the Auction House is a bit blurry which needs work on. Only Balens can be used to buy items from others.

Sell Item Section:

The auction fee isn't that much but as I said above, the Devs might be still working on this system.

Sell Section:

I don't get the difference between "Sell Item" and "Sell". As you can see in the image below, it seems like you can only sell unbound sylph seals.

My Bid Section:

The Auction House, the Auction System, have the potential to change the dynamics of the game profoundly. It will all depend to how many un-bound items we will be able to get and sell in the Auction house, but one thing is for certain, which is that even free players might now be able to get their hands on a good amount of balens.
Hope you guys enjoyed this info and comment your opinion on the "Auction System" below.

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