
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Q&A: Crystaloids, Balens, Divine Altar, Double Skills


Can you tell how can i get 1600 crystaloids level 6?


hi, prepare for some bad news, 1 MP-dungeon every day + long long time - there is no summoner for the level 6 crystaloids.
few additional maybe:
- VIP chest in dungeon
- get lucky during blitz
- get lucky during final reward (+6)


How can I send balens to my friend?


You can try watch my video called:
➜ Wartune GUIDE How to Gift VIP or Balens to Friends


When does the Divine Altar open cause it doesnt tell me?


The guild leader has the power to open the Divine Altar. He or she can do this every day - 1 time. When the Divine Altar is open there will be a message in the middle of the screen for all the guild members, as well as a window on the bottom right to join the Divine Altar. Also in the Guild screen the option to enter the Divine Altar will be enabled.


hi Cosmo i just wounder if a knight can use double skills and how dose it work. please explain please.


Hi every class can use double skills and should.
It just gives you 2 skill trees (same) instead of 1.
So you can put offense on one and defense on the other and switch around based on your need.

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