
Monday, March 4, 2013

Made it to level 56!

So I made it to level 56 guys! It actually took longer because I was leveling up my talents and I only came to 56 so that I could get that extra skill point and I have not yet decided if I should exp up to level 60 or stay at 56 and bring talents higher.


  1. hey Eric - thanks! how come to get to level 60 first? i understood it would be better to stay 59 not to go to the next level of the battle ground? what do you think?

  2. hey Eric!
    thanks a lot for coming back and commenting again - I was really surprised to read about the cloths / videos thing, I did not see that option at least on my server (Armor Games Europe 2), but i will check again today and if that option exists that would be wonderful!
    I also noted your point about the level 60 legend set. The cold truth is that i don't think I am capable of getting that - need to be a lot more active and do nightmare modes i guess, so i don't dream for that, but i will keep it in the back of my mind.
    So thank you!
